Office Politics for Managers

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Office Politics for Managers Workshop

You have likely experienced some form of office politics. Working with different personalities, opinions, backgrounds, and values is a challenge in any environment. It is an inevitable fact that when people work together, personalities can and will clash. No one is an island, so working together as a team is crucial for the organization and every employee.

Office Politics is about creating and maintaining better relationships. It involves communicating and working with your peers and colleagues in a way that is mutually beneficial. Employees who understand the positive aspects of office politics are better team members and become more successful and productive.


Workshop Objectives

  • Understand the purpose and benefits of office politics.
  • Set boundaries and ground rules for new employees.
  • Learn to interact and influence among colleagues.
  • Learn how to manage various personality types in the office.
  • Determine how to gain support and effectively network.
  • Recognize how you are a part of a group and how you function.


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