Customer Service

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Customer Service Workshop

Each and every one of us serves customers, whether we realize it or not. Whether you’re on the front lines of a company, serving customers who buy your products, or working behind the scenes to support your colleagues, excellent customer service is crucial. The Customer Service workshop addresses all types of customer interactions and how we can improve service and ourselves in the process.

Participants will gain a robust skillset, including techniques for in-person and phone interactions, handling difficult customers, and fostering return business.


Workshop Objectives

  • State what customer service means in relation to all customers, both internal and external.
  • Recognize how your attitude affects customer service.
  • Identify customers’ needs.
  • Use outstanding customer service to generate return business.
  • Build goodwill through in-person customer service.
  • Provide outstanding customer service over the phone.
  • Connect with customers through online tools.
  • Deal with difficult customers.


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