Teamwork and Team Building

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Teamwork & Team Building Workshop

Teamwork is a vital component of our daily lives, whether in personal, community, or professional settings. A strong and cohesive team can drive an organization toward greater success and efficiency. This workshop will explore the dynamics of effective teamwork and provide participants with the tools to become top-notch team members.

The Teamwork and Team Building workshop will guide participants through understanding what constitutes a successful team, and the critical factors that contribute to effective teamwork. They will also learn about different team models, strategies for leadership and participation, and practical team-building activities.


Workshop Objectives

  • Describe the concept of a team and identify factors for its success.
  • Explain the four phases of the Tuckman team development model and define their characteristics.
  • List the three types of teams.
  • Describe actions to take as a leader and as a follower during each of the four phases (Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing).
  • Discuss the uses, benefits, and disadvantages of various team-building activities.
  • Describe several team-building activities and their appropriate settings.
  • Follow strategies for setting and leading effective team meetings.
  • Detail problem-solving strategies using the Six Thinking Hats model and one consensus-building approach to solving team problems.
  • List actions to encourage teamwork and those to avoid.


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